ASMOUNE association is located in the Region of Languedoc Roussillon, in SW France. 9%region’s population is represented by immigrants. Many of them are unemployed and 19%were never schooled. While 10. 3% of French active population is unemployed according to a release by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic, youth unemployment continues to climb, with rate reaching 22.7% for those aged 15-24 in 2012, according to INSEE national statistics office. Situation is worse in some districts of Languedoc Roussillon region, 54% of young people being unemployed.
In Europe employers are especially reluctant to hire young people because restrictive labour laws make it hard for companies to lay off employees. This situation is worse in France, where young people are typically required to do a series of often unpaid internships before landing a full-time job and most times can only manage to get short-term contracts for years on end.
40% of youth opt for self-employment, but only 10% of French become entrepreneurs. Among these, 30% arrive at the term of their project of creation. But after 3 years, 50% of these young entrepreneurs’companies are still working.
Asmoune develops actions of unemployed support, skills assessment, development of experimental approaches to integrated planning for seasonal migrant workers in arboriculture and language assessment. Asmoune develops activities to support the unemployed who are beneficiaries of RSA with theatre initiatives that engage participants in activities of self-evaluation&group dynamics that promote conditions for return to employment. It supports young people, migrants&handicapped adults to find long term employment.
Its teaching staff&logistics consist of 16 consultants, trainers of various skills. Its areas of expertise lie in engineering projects, construction of innovative responses to issues of training, integration, entrepreneurship, social&professional inclusion. We ensure formation of employees of social protection structures, work psychologists, trainers. We coordinate actions of provisional administration of human resources. Asmoune is the developer of management software term AVEC. Our AVEC project is a management course for social&professional integration of jobseekers in difficulty. The association brings its expertise to the project due to its experience of accompanying public needs and its commitment to European projects.

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