LDV – TOI – Jovens Empreendedores na Europa – 2011-1-PT1-LEO05-08587

The project Jovens Empreendedjovens_empreendedoresores na Europa – “JE_EU” is funded by the European Commission under the program of Long Life Learning (LLP) referred to the sub-Leonardo da Vinci (Transfer Innovation – TOI) promoted by the Associação Empresarial da Região de Viseu – AIRV (Viseu-Portugal) with the collaboration of Adamastor (Viseu-Portugal), Integra Consultoría (Coruña-Spain), Age.Mob (Arezzo-Italy) and Dirección Xeral de Xuventude e Voluntariado (Galiza-Spain). The project is based on the pilot project conducted in the region Lombardy (Italy) promoted by “Instituzione dei Distretti Industriali della Provincia di Arezzo” sponsored by the Camera di Commercio di Arezzo.We intend to promote the continuity of local business activity related to handmade crafts or they could disappear, giving the necessary parts to transfer all those interested or interested in continuing with the company.It seeks to contact all People entrepreneur interested in transferring your business and at the same time with the people concerned in order to receive continuing the company under the direction of the new entrepreneurial individual.This design allows the preparation of all necessary instruments for the transfer of business and at the same time training and monitoring the new entrepreneurial individual early in his business.  Through the transfer made, this project bet in particular by the development of an advisory service to entrepreneurs equipped with a training guide for trainers / consultants who work in them, a database of supply / demand business transfer and a web site containing the results to find and get in touch entrepreneurs who leave the activity with those young aspiring entrepreneurs. To achieve this goal will begin to train the professionals who work in the existing advisory services to entrepreneurs dependent of AIRV and Xunta de Galicia.  The aim is to contribute to the dissemination of those skills and competencies that are necessary for trainers and technicians working in the field of specialty care services by encouraging the entry of young entrepreneurs in existing businesses (assisted transmission model that encourages the development of professional skills taking into account the needs of the labor market). The next step is the dissemination of program information and capture and give entrepreneurs access to an activity. The project aims to slow through this source of training, job losses described in the previous point, retrieve and provide continuity to family businesses and improve the skills of younger so that they feel able to continue with an activity existing, which might otherwise become extinct.

About Author: andreiamonteiro

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