Klaipėdos Savanoriškos Veiklos Klubas

Klaipeda Volunteer club is a non-political, non-profit, public, charitable, non-governmental organization. Its main goal is to promote public awareness and active citizenship through volunteering, to reduce social child, youth and adult divide. We cover needs of different young people, using innovative social work methods to make self-poised employees and entrepreneurs, assisting individually, connecting them with groups supporting entrepreneurship.
Lithuania has 13.1% young people unemployment (10.2%-general population), many skilled ones going abroad. IOM Vilnius Office estimates about 50% of emigrats are young, mostly 18-30 years. We help them orient and gain qualifications for chosen profession, to survive in their social environment. We also consult and provide training to volunteering organizations and individuals.
Lithuanian labour market is highly sensitive to economic fluctuations and poorly regulated, due to low labour marketeffectiveness policy measures and insufficient security of employment. Lately, fewer vacancies, spread of illegal employment, mismatches in geographical location of jobseekers and vacancies, in skills supply and demand, mismatches in wage expectations led to high rate of long term unemployment-50% or more of unemployed. We motivate them to work/study, advise on profession choice, gain marketable skills, expertise, help plan career based on personal characteristics and labor market needs. This’ll allow suitable job choices answering labor market and young job seekers’needs.
Between employee or self-employed, Lithuanians are most likely to opt for the last. A 2012 GALLUP Entrepreneurship Survey showed young entrepreneurs’s rate (aged 30/under) is among the highest of all countries. Although in most countries being younger has no/negative effect on involvement in entrepreneurial activities, young Lithuanians are more likely to set up/run their own business than those over 30. But entrepreneurship rate is combined with incidences of business failures. A clue to this is that Lithuania has the lowest proportion of entrepreneurs with high level education while in the other countries, situation is reverse.
Eurostat projects an annual 3.6% growth in 2013–2014 for Lithuania. So young people need encouragement and support to train, study to take advantage of this expected economic growth.

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