The 20 characteristics of Successful Manager

Here is a list of 20 soft skills that make the difference between manager and successful manager.

The 20 characteristics of successful are classified in three large blocks: the personal characteristics, the strategic characteristics and the relational characteristics.


o   He takes example from the best

o   He is pragmatic

o   he decides and takes responsibility for his team

o   he Know when to say no

o   he knows how to communicate decisions

o   he delegate and uses the words: Thank you and Sorry

o   It makes it easy or difficult concepts or ideas


o   he has a wide and long-term vision

o   he makes clear objectives, strategy, results and commitment required of all employees

o   he knows prioritize

o   When planning he promises less and achieves more

o   he has an eye to the economic objectives and one state company

o   he keeps track of events or to create historical knowledge


o   He pays attention to his collaborators – success comes from the team and not the individual

o   he takes care of the workload of employees and their motivation

o   he puts people always at ease

o   or spreads optimism and confidence even in extreme cases

o   he knows how to motivate people

o   He teaches

o   he gives and takes feedback

About Author: vdalgrande

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